VyraNews #18: Why Training Senior Leaders on Sustainability is So Painful Copy
VyraNews #18: Why Training Senior Leaders on Sustainability is So Painful
Vyra Newsletter
25 Apr 2024
Happy Thursday! 🌍
The vast majority of organisations are in danger.
Sustainability is unequivocally the fastest-growing risk area in every organisation right now!
Senior organisation leaders needed to be literate in sustainability risks and opportunities yesterday.
But in most organisations, they’re not.
But they can’t be blamed for being completely clueless.
Not yet, because the available training and education are totally insufficient.
Investing in sustainability training is so painful and time consuming for companies, yet they opt to continue to:
1. Run in-person training with a consultant partner or the sustainability manager.
2. Share slides or basic training via SharePoint or an equivalent internal platform.
That’s fine for now.
Because nobody has been fired -
Not yet…
Let’s take a deeper look at the problem…
We surveyed 30 companies across our client base to get a clearer picture of just how inefficient the current in-person leadership training is, and the results shocked us.
Why is this significant?
In the same survey, respondents strongly agreed that ‘Unlocking deeper understanding across the business was the single biggest blocker to reaching net-zero goals.’
It's a classic catch-22.
Yet, this seemingly innocuous challenge, ‘unlocking deeper understanding,’ won’t be so innocuous when people’s jobs are on the line.
The four reasons why the efficacy is low for in-person leadership sustainability training:
Knowledge availability diminishes as soon as the session is complete.Accessibility is low, organising is time-consuming, and participants must rely on second-hand sources afterwards.
Acquisition of key stakeholders' sustainability data is not practical via in-person sessions.Market Changes and constantly evolving sustainability risks require much more than a once or twice-off in-person meeting annually.
So, whose jobs will be at risk when long-term sustainability targets are unmet?
If an organisation's 2030 sustainability targets are not met, the lack of effective senior leadership sustainability training will be an evident risk that wasn’t mitigated in the preceding years.
The Sustainability Manager, the CRO (Chief Risk Officer) and the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) will all be questioned.
So, what is the solution?
Make senior leadership sustainability training readily available and accessible 24/7, 365.
Vyra’s purpose-built platform makes it simple for sustainability managers and teams to upskill key business employees in critical sustainability topics.
Vyra solves this challenge for growing mid-sized and large organisations that must comply with sustainability regulations in critical industries.
Get access to Vyra’s training solution for you and four colleagues today, completely free of charge.
Experience the difference.
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